Hamilton TV Segment with the ADA on Summer Produce

I had the opportunity to work with the American Diabetes Association of Indianapolis again to put on a TV segment on the Hamilton County TV station located in Noblesville. We got together on Tuesday morning for a live interview focused on Summer Produce. I thought this would be a great topic, because now that summer is here in full force, we have tons of great produce items in the grocery store and at your local Farmer's Market. Everything tastes so much different when it is fresh. 

On the TV segement I showed some recipes and I wanted to make sure that you all had those available to you if you wanted to try them at home. 


Make sure you give these recipes a try and if you are heading to this Farmer's Market this week or going to the grocery, try some of these new recipes. 

If you missed the TV segment and are curious as to why I highlighted some of these recipes then check out some information below about the nutritional value of Beets, Tomatoes, and Peaches. 


  • Colorful vegetable that is often underutilized and overlooked. This deep red veggie is special because you can technically consumer the whole plant. The beet greens (leaves) can be cooked like a spinach or swiss chard. The fruit of the beets (the red portion) can be cooked as well and has been used throughout history as a sugar source.
  • Beets can help to lower your blood pressure and this benefit comes from the nitrates that are found in this produce. The nitrate is converted to nitric oxide which helps to relax/dilate your blood vessels, improving blood flow and decreasing your blood pressure.
  • There are high levels of folate found in beets and this can be a great whole food source of this nutrient for pregnant women to prevent neural tube defects.


  • Are they really a fruit or a vegetable? That is always the debate. Either way they are full of lycopene which helps your body to fight off free radicals. 
  • Tomatoes are full of fiber and this can be helpful for diabetic patients. The fiber helps to fill you up during a meal/snack. The fiber also helps with lower blood glucose levels. If you are wondering how much fiber is in 1 cup of cherry tomatoes ... 2g of fiber. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it does add up over time. 


  • Are ready for consumption during May through September. You can tell that your peach is ripe when you can smell it from a distance. When you touch the peach, it feels soft and not too firm. 
  • The bright yellow/orange color of the peach signifies they high amounts of Vitamin C that it has along with Vitamin A for eye sight. The skin of the peach is where all the fiber is located. These nutrients and antioxidants help to protect your cells and prevent cellular damage. 

There are tons of more great summer produce that I highlight in the TV segment, which I will post to my website after the show. Make sure to check it out. Don't forget to try some new produce this summer and take advantage of the all the health benefits these delicious foods have to offer!