Baby Busenburg #3: Birth Story

So I am typing this up over 1 year after this actual experience. I kind of had lost my excitement about this blog and was so overwhelmed with life, working, being a mother to three small humans. Well now, I am feeling reinvigorated about this blog and feel like I have found a rhythm in my motherhood journey.

Baby Busenburg #3 began his arrival into the world on May 6th (Friday). I was able to work from home that day and was thankful to be able to do some work, and then start to have contractions and work through those begin stages of labor at home. My mother-in-law came into Harrison the week before baby’s arrival and we have some special time with her leading up to baby’s arrival. We reached out to her on the Friday afternoon and let her know that we thought we’d need to go to the hospital overnight. She came over and spent the night with the two older boys. We hung out at home until about 11pm and then when contractions continued to progress and were less than 5 minutes apart we headed into the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital around 1130pm and then got settled in a room. All that transition and being admitted totally stalled out labor some. Chas did an amazing job kicking out the nurses and having them only come in as needed and quietly do their charting and reading of the fetal monitor. Then things continued to progress and finally we made it to transition. My ammonitic fluid stayed intact the whole time and finally when I was just almost fully dilated the OB nicked the bag of waters and that was just what was needed to then reach 10cm and in like two pushes Calvin Busenburg arrived in the world. He arrived around 3am that morning of May 7th. He did have a nuchal cord x1, but no meconium staining and that nuchal cord didn’t prevent him from coming right out.

He was a healthy weight, the largest of all three of my boys and arrived on his due date at 40+0 weeks gestation. We were so thankful for a rather boring delivery and an uneventful series of events that lead to welcoming Calvin Michael Busenburg into the world. He is so loved by all of brothers and is an amazing addition to our family!