Life Update: Baby Busenburg #3

To be honest, there has been lots going on in life, the stress of the pandemic, work and being a Mom. In the end I have always written on this blog because it brought me joy and over the last year, it has been hard to find that joy and wanting to share on this platform. Today I decided that I wanted to write something and post it! So there was some joy there again and some thoughts I wanted to share. 

I started this blog as a way to share nutrition information/life experiences as a Mom and RD with the world. I have appreciated having this platform, but at times it felt like a chore. With that being said, I think that it is time to start typing again and share some encouragement and thoughts with you all. 

Since my last post we have found out that we are expecting our third child. We are having another baby boy! This is a super exciting time for us as we look forward to that little one’s arrival at the beginning of May 2022. Our life is crazy with a 5 year old and almost 3 year old + working full time, but I wouldn’t trade this for the world. With that being said though in the last year I have learned that I can’t do all the things. Hence, the reason why this blog took a back seat. I have had a good pregnancy that is very boring so far. That is fantastic, but that first trimester for me was kind of rough at points. I was so tired and then felt “blah” and not like myself. That was challenging for two months for our family. During that time, I recognized and learned that my worth isn’t tied up in all the things I do. I had many hard moments of just being ok with small victories, like getting clothes washed and not stressing about putting them away. Also I slept quite a bit and had to be ok with leaving dirty dishes in the sink and asking my husband for more help. 

Thanks to Miranda Hertel for the amazing family pictures - Miranda Hertel Photography (

As we start 2022, I am very cautiously optimistic about this year. I am thankful for my family, our health and jobs and hope that 2022 brings more joy for us all. I want to continue to remember that taking time for yourself (some self care time) and then not trying to do “all the things” is important. With people making resolutions and trying to make changes, remember that you are perfect the way you are and there are all things we want to change, but set those goals to be realistic. If you don’t hit that goal, that’s ok, reshape that goal and try again. If your laundry sits on your floor for 2 months, gets cleaned and goes right back to the floor, that is ok. You aren’t alone and you are doing a great job! Here’s 2022 and being cautiously optimistic for the year ahead! 

The Art of Cooking with a Baby

Can I just tell you that finding a way to juggle holding a baby and preparing dinner is one of the toughest things I have done. It takes special talent to figure out how to get dinner prepared and then balance that the eating schedule of a newborn. Of course, the baby wants to be held during the time when dinner needs to be prepared. I have been working on acquiring my skills of balancing this act of motherhood and the need to make food to feed myself and Chas. 

Things I have learned and skills I am cultivating: 

  • Do what you can while they are sleeping. As soon as William falls asleep I take advantage of that time to figure out what I need to get done. I have also learned that I need to prioritize my to do list. For example, being able to eat something for lunch should always trump working on the computer or some times even showering. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is in full affect. If I am not trying to feed myself I am normally trying to prepare food for the next meal. 
  • I am learning to operate within a 2-3 hour time window. So if I have to run errands I know that if I feed William I have a solid 2 hours and possibly 3 hours before he is hungry again and needs to be fed. This means that I am left prioritize where I need to go and what I need to do so I can get home before his next feeding. This is a total change of pace for me, but I am learning and getting better at it each day. Often that means only 1-2 stops while I am out at a time. Gone are the days and being out to ALL the errands done at one time.
  • I have learned that crock pots, bread makers, etc are amazing devices ... use them! I have fell in love with my crock pot again. Being able to chop up ingredients or get the meal prepared ahead of time and tossing it into the crock pot = the best thing ever. That way it is done and can be ready to be eaten whenever. 
  • I have embraced the fact that as soon as I think I can get something done, like chopping the veggies to go with the roast, the baby starts to wake up and crying. I have walked away from all the veggies that I have pulled out and gotten them ready to cut up, to feed the baby. I have just left this mess to come back to it when I have a moment to finish that task at hand. 
  • Master the one arm hold. I have been practicing and I have become much better at being able to carry William around in one arm and then do things with that other arm. I have been able to make some coffee, toast bread or stir soup. I have been proud of myself and I know that this skill will continue to improve with increased practice. 
  • Cook with the baby. I have brought William into the kitchen and put him in his Bumbo seat and let him watch me cook. It is normally content for a little bit to hear all the noises and stare at the lights. This way I can be reassured that he is fine and I can work on actually doing some productive things, like get a meal prepared. If having in next me to isn't making him happy enough the next thing I have learned to try to to attach him to me. He likes to be carried around in a wrap and that allows him to feel comforted and me to use both of my hands to get things done. 
  • I have discovered online grocery store ordering via Kroger. This is quite exciting that I can place my order online and then drive to store and pick up the things that I need. How neat is that! I am excited to use this and I think this will be become something that I do quite frequently in the months ahead! 

Exciting Announcement

If you are friends with me on Facebook than you probably already saw this announcement from yesterday, but if not I thought I would share it via my blog as well. 

Our family will be growing, come December of 2016. My husband, Chas and I are expecting our first "human child" in December. Haha we totally count our little chihuahua Einstein as our first puppy child. He is going to make a great "big brother." We are very excited and eager for this exciting next chapter in our lives. It was quite the surprise, but we believe that God's timing is perfect and we are eager for this next adventure. So stay tuned for lots of nutrition information about pregnancy, I'll be trying out some prenatal yoga as well and working to stay in shape throughout this pregnancy. 

Photo credit to Chas for this amazing picture that we took yesterday. He did a great job editing it and putting it together!