Mother's Day

First of all I want to wish a very Happy Mother's Day to ALL the moms out there. Even if you aren't a Mom, you deserve some love as well, because I am sure you are also a daughter, maybe a sister or an aunt. I am thankful for all the amazing women in my life from my mother, mother-in-law, grandmothers, aunts, sisters and friends. There are so many amazing women I have gotten to meet and learn from. Thank you for being amazing mentors and a support system to one another. 


I have had to opportunity to celebrate Mother's Day three times now in my life. The very first time was when I was in my first trimester of being pregnant. Needless to say, I was not feeling up for celebrating Mother's Day. I was also struggling with the idea of being pregnant. It was still so over-whelming with accepting that we were all of sudden pregnant. That was my first Mother's Day. The next year, William was 4 months old. He of course was adorable and I was so happy to get to be his Mom. This year is fun as well, because now William is 16 months old. It is so neat to get to be a Mom and have such a wonderful son.  

I just wanted to share this little bonus, Mother's Day post and just get to say that I am thankful for all of you and hope that you enjoy your day and time with all the women in your life that mean so much to you! 

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Thank you Mom!

I know this is a day late, but I thought I would share with you a few things that my mother has taught me over the years. I was very fortunate to grow up with a mother who valued her own health and her family's health. I am a Registered Dietitian today, because my mother suggested that I look into that major at Purdue when I was in high school. I have developed a love for exercising and encouraged to pursue my passion for fitness because of my mother. Thank you Mom for always encouraging me to pursue my dreams. There were plenty of times that I questioned what I was doing and how I would get there, but you were always just a phone call away to provide some encouragement. There were plenty of times that I would call you, frustrated and feeling discouraged, while taking organic chemistry, and you encouraged me to keep working hard and to give it my best shot. 

Now that I am a mother and have a child of my own. As I think back to things that you have taught me I want to be that example for my child. I want him to know how important his health and wellness is and learn to love exercise. I take him with me when I go out for a run and I know that as time goes on this will be something that he will remember and hopefully cherish. 

Things my Mom has taught me ... 

  • Never give up. You taught me to always finish whatever activity I start and to never give up. You encouraged me to keep working hard and accomplish the task at hand. 
  • Don't have regrets in life. This is something that I still live by ... going through life with regrets is a tough burden to bare. Working to make sure that whatever you do, you enjoy and when you look back, you feel confident in that decision.
  • Put your best foot forward. Be that best version of yourself and always push yourself to be better.
  • Enjoy what you do! My Mom has worked a variety of jobs throughout her life and she always worked to enjoy whatever she was doing. Life is too short to spend time doing something you don't enjoy. 
  • Gift of hospitality. I really enjoy having people into my home and hosting parties. I love bringing people together to have a good time and build relationships. This is something that I got from mother and I am so thankful she taught me how to give back to those around me. 

These are just a few of the many things that I have learned from my mother over the years. I am the person I am today, because of her and I am so thankful to be her daughter and get to call her Mom!