Thanksgiving Pandemic Style

I have decided that this year, I will make a post for each holiday and just add “pandemic style,” because I feel like that is an accurate description of 2020. Everything has changed and is different this year. That is just our new reality. I know this is being posted after Thanksgiving Day has occurred, but I wanted to share with you a recap of our Thanksgiving 2020. We have so much to give thanks for this year and despite the craziness of 2020 we still managed to have a wonderful Thanksgiving and spent time with people we love.

We decided to spend Thanksgiving at our house with just our immediate household. We didn’t get together with grandparents, because they are older, in another state and we didn’t feel like that was the safest things at this point. We decided that our main goals for the day were 1) eat good food and 2) relax and spend quality time together as a family. Well I have to say that I think we accomplished both of those things.

Thanksgiving Agenda

  • Breakfast: Homemade Cinnamon Rolls, Egg Casserole and Grapes

  • Watch the Macy’s Day Thanksgiving Parade and Walk the Dog + Play at the Playground

  • Lunch: Charcuterie Board that included Fresh Veggies with Hummus, Cheese and Meat with Crackers, Cranberry Brie with Bread and some more Grapes

  • Naptime for the Children = Cooking time for Chas and myself.

  • Watched Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving with the boys, Played in the basement, Took Einstein for a 2nd walk.

  • Zoom call with Family and another 2 Video Calls with Grandparents

  • Dinner: Homemade Tamales, Jicama Slaw, Homemade Guacamole with Chips and Margaritas

  • Clean up the Kitchen, Wash Dishes and Pack Lunches

  • Snack before Bed: Pumpkin Pie and Tea

Now you might be wondering why Mexican food for dinner? Well why not! We wanted to do something unconventional, because 2020 has been so different. Plus it was just our family at home and we didn’t feel the pressure to make “traditional” Thanksgiving food. My husband, wanted to try to make tamales. Neither of us had ever made them before and I have to admit the were delicious. I have included some links up above for recipes of these food items.

As you can see from our agenda, we were busy, but we stayed at home and that schedule is what our normal days look like at home (minus all the homemade food and cooking). It was a wonderful holiday and we have so many things to be grateful for, but first and foremost being healthy and having our jobs during this stressful year. I know for some of you it might not have been a relaxing Thanksgiving, you might have been working or worried about your job or have a loved one who is ill. Please, know that you are not alone and these hardships don’t last forever. As we start to gear up for this holiday season and Christmas, may you have a safe and wonderful rest of your weekend!
