Embracing the Holidays

Well 2020 is finally coming to an end …. wow what a ride it has been! I can’t believe that this year is coming to a close and we are about to embark on another trip around the sun. This year has been different on so many levels for all of us. Most of us have a variety of holiday traditions that we love and sadly these traditions will look different this year.

Happy Holidays 2020

  • Bring on the packages! We are mailing everything this year and it has been kind of crazy. We are shipping gifts to friends who live in other states and then even to our family who we would normally see in person. I have to think through how to safely package up some tasty treats and drop them off in the mail in the next 2 weeks. I have also ordered 90% of Christmas gifts online this year and haven’t gone into any stores, except for the grocery.

  • Rethinking co-worker Christmas gifts. I have been thinking through how to still give some Christmas treats to my co-workers in person, but also Chas’s co-workers who are all remote. I need to come up with some creative packaging and find some boxes to use to mail treats along with Christmas cards. I have ordered some fun 2020 ornaments as well to include for friends.

  • Cooking up yummy treats. I am trying to keep some traditions alive like baking Christmas goodies and finding creative ways to get those to people. I think we drop off goodies to our neighbors (while wearing masks) this holiday season.

  • Mailing cards to everyone. Since we aren’t able to see very many people this holiday season, we are mailing Christmas cards to everyone! So watch your mailbox from some festive mail.

  • Virtual Santa visit. I scheduled a virtual Santa visit in the comfort of our own home for a Saturday morning. I normally am not a big Santa person, but that was something I couldn’t miss out on. Should be a fun way to celebrate the holidays in true 2020 style.

  • Holiday crafts at home. I purchased some fun holiday crafts to do with the boys as a fun way to celebrate the holidays as we are spending time at home. Also for part of their Christmas/Birthday gifts they are getting a Kiwi Co subscription, which will be a fun way for them to learn and do some STEAM activities at home.

Hopefully you can find some creative ways to celebrate this holiday season and enjoy this time together as a family. It is definitely different, but hopefully some quiet time and not running around like crazy, will help us all appreciate this time of year and all the blessings in our lives.
