Summer Loving

This summer is obviously different for all of us, than what we originally imagined. I feel like it is turning out to be unique and I am wanting to make the most of it. I want to be able to spend some of this extra time with my children and make some fun memories together. It won’t include a big, summer vacation, but often we will be able to do some fun things together that they will remember and enjoy.

We have moved to a new area of the country and during a pandemic. We are social distancing from family and friends, because we feel that is the best thing we can do. We are getting more time just the four of us and I wanting to do some neat things with my boys to make this summer fun and special.

Creative Summer Activities

  • Water Play - We don’t have a fancy pool, but we have been playing outside lots with our water table, kiddo pool and slide and then our sprinkler. I know blow up pools have been a hot commodity recently and if you happened to find one, good for you! I have loved being able to get my boys outside and playing in the water to cool off. This is a great way to run around and burn off energy and stay cool.

  • Craft Projects - I am not an extremely crafty person, but I am trying to encourage my kiddos to work on their creative expression. We have played with play dough, colored pictures, mailed our creations to friends and family, worked through alphabet crafts and played with pipe cleaners. I don’t have an abundance of craft supplies, but I have appreciated finding kits on Amazon that have all the things needed for the crafts. That is a huge win for me and plus I know I have ALL the things we need for the activity. I have also looked at Kiwi Co and I am interested in getting a subscription for William to do some projects, but we haven’t ordered that yet.

  • Cooking Classes - I have kind of fallen out of the habit of including the boys in cooking. It can be tough to make the time to have them help. William and I have been doing some baking in the afternoons when he wakes up from nap and Samuel is still sleeping. William has had so much fun measuring the ingredients and getting to make yummy treats. I would love to take more time and have him help with meals. So hopefully each week, I can have him help me prepare dinner. Got to set a goal and we will see how it turns out.

  • Nature Walks - The saving grace of quarantine has been daily walks, in fact we would normally go on two walks a day. We have loved watching baby ducks, looking at the clouds, talking about tree bark and watching for birds. I really love this time outside, because we get to do a somewhat structured activity outside. We have gotten to see baby ducks grow up and learned about how they nest, what they eat and how their feathers change.

  • Summer Reading - The last several years we have done the summer reading program at our local library and also through a friend’s Usborne business. I have been trying to get us set up with library cards and trying to do their summer reading program. It is obviously all a little different this year, but we are still reading our books and loving that quiet time together, sitting the AC at the end of a long day.

What fun things are you trying to do this summer? Are there any types of activities you are excited to do or things you will miss? I am excited to be able to make some special memories and hopefully enjoy some time with our favorite boys.
