I am writing this blog post, because we need to talk about what America is going through. We can’t silently ignore the pain that Black people have carried for far too long. The state of affairs our country has found itself in is heart breaking. I keep circling back to these feelings and reminding myself that Black people face these feelings ALL the time. I am facing them now, but because of my whiteness I don’t live with this heart ache on a daily basis.
That leaves me wanting to do better. I want to show and teach my children that this is not ok. We owe it to our children to step up and make changes so that they do not experience this heart ache on a daily basis. My hope to is raise my children in a way where they love and support their neighbors. They are able to see the differences and understand why being kind matters. I want them to believe that these differences are also the thing that makes America unique and is a beautiful thing. You might be wondering how this current state of our country ties into this blog … well we ALL have to eat. We, as humans, must eat and the types of foods we choose to consume are as diverse as our country. That is one reason I went to school to study nutrition, because it affects everyone. No matter what your background is, you have to eat. Food can also demonstrate the social discrepancies within our community. Those who struggle financially also commonly experience food insecurity. Nutrition is something that affects each one of us on a daily basis. We need to do better to help our brother and sisters so they can have these basic human needs met, including food on their tables. Food is has the power to brings us together. We break bread together and share it with our neighbor. It breaks my heart to see how our differences have divided us and we need to do more! We need to step up and support our Black friends and neighbors. I don’t believe that there is a simple solution to solve this hurt and quickly fix any of these disparities. I just want to share that I am listening, I want to learn more and I want to work to do better!
Photo from: Fortified Family and a RD who has an amazing BLW business. I loved this graphic and wanted to share her post as well, looking at diversifying the content that she is sharing - CLICK HERE for her post and for the credit of this image.