Your Voice Matters

I wanted to take a moment today and remind you all that it is time to VOTE! This year there is so much to think about and consider as you go to cast your ballot. You, as an American, have the ability to let your voice be heard. There are some misinformation out there about how your vote may not make a difference. I wanted to address those concerns and help clear up any concerns you might have before you head to the polls.

When you are voting in a Presidential election there is more on the ballot than just who will win the presidency. I have heard comments about how if your state tends to go red or blue then your vote for the opposing candidate doesn’t matter. Well that is not true. Each vote gets counted and that does matter, plus when you vote for other positions (judge positions, senate seats, county and state positions) you are helping to put people into offices that uphold your same values. When it comes to voting your vote has a huge impact on your local government and that impacts your community, state and country.

I have also heard crazy statistics about young people who have not voted. It is crazy to me to hear about people who don’t routinely vote. The reason we have older people running for office is because older people are electing people like themselves to those positions. We as humans, want people like us to advocate for our values. Our parents and grandparents get out and vote and then the people campaigning are targeting their agenda items to align with their base. As someone who is 30 something, if more of us voted and ran for office there would be more people like us in politics/on the ballot. So do your part, get out and vote and then who knows, maybe in the future you want to get involved with serving in your local and state government.


Toss Those New Year's Resolutions

Do you remember back in January at the beginning of 2020? Remember when you made resolutions for yourself. You were thinking ahead to the year that was about to unfold with so much optimism and eagerly anticipating what the year would bring. Little did we know that our lives would shift and change in ways that we couldn't have imagined. 2020 has been quite the ride and honestly a year that many want to put behind them. We are just over half way through 2020 and I was thinking about what I dreamed this year would hold. For me, I anticipated a big move for our family and a new job and then I imagined what that new job would entail. Our move happened, I started a new job, but I am not doing exactly what I imagined. Starting a new job is a humbling experience, because you have learn how things are done in a new position with new coworkers, but let me tell you how humbling it is when you have to start that new position during a pandemic. Then you find yourself doing tasks you didn’t think you would be asked to do. Now, let me say I am extremely thankful for a job. I am just sharing my experience to let you know that it is ok if you feel extremely disappointed by 2020. If you are thinking back to those hopes and dreams you had at the beginning of year and you feel let down.

Acknowledging those feelings and working through that grief is important. From those hurt feelings, we have two choices - we can continue to be depressed or we can work to pick up the pieces and move forward. I can most assuredly say that 2020 is NOTHING like any of us imagined. We have all experienced challenges, disappointments, grief and had to adjust our expectations. Now how are you going to move forward? What are you going to do with the rest of the year? I am here to encourage you to find some positive aspects of 2020. What are some good things that have happened?

  • We have had SO much more family time and that has been fun to see our boys grow up and change.

  • We have made some time for some hobbies like disc golf, reading, running and porch sitting.

  • We are adjusting our goals and plans to move us forward to where we see ourselves in the future. We are finding projects to pursue at work, considering graduate school, studying for exams and trying to salvage a sense of drive/determination in our work.

What items are on your list of positive things to come from 2020? How are you going to adjust your goals? I am not say you need to set unrealistic expectations. Lots of us are worried and stressed about school and work and that is ok. But what are you going to do to fulfill your sense of purpose and find that joy for the rest of the year? I challenge you to look for the joy and find a way to adjust your expectations. Life is too short to just throw up our hands and give up. Here’s the to rest of 2020 and trying to make the best of rough situations!


Embrace the Chaos

I feel like 2020 can be summed up in one word - chaos. This year has been nothing like I anticipated. I imagined starting a new job, moving, exploring a new city and my husband traveling to/from Indianapolis periodically. I imagined our family coming over and staying with us occasionally. Instead things have been crazy and nothing like I imagined, hence the chaos.

I am very much a Type A personality and I want to work to have control over things. I can barely leave my kitchen in a mess, because it isn’t relaxing to have a mess. I have to work in a clean space, because otherwise I am distracted by the mess. I appreciate knowing what lies ahead and then working towards goals. Change is hard for me. I know this about myself and I am working towards embracing change and the chaos that comes from the unknown.

This year has really highlighted to me the little control that I actually have over anything. I like to think I somehow know what is coming, but in all reality I don’t know. I am sure that you have felt that way this year, plans have gotten cancelled and changed and you are left just hanging out at home. It can be sad and disappointing.

I have been trying to focus on the positives of this year and working to be more ok with chaos. I still have goals for myself and for my life here in 2020, but they have definitely shifted and changed in the last few months. At first that left me feeling hurt and frustrated, but then I realized that this is just how things have to be and I need to find a way to embrace that and change my attitude to be more joyful. When life gives you a situation that is out of your control, you have two choices - you can embrace the change and look for the positive or you can be bitter and resentful. I have been upset, but that is not a space I can stay in and I know that there is a bigger plan for me. If you find yourself right now amongst the chaos and wondering what this means for you and questioning what the future holds … know you aren’t alone and things do work out for the best. Hang in there and continue to work towards those goals you have for yourself, never lose sight of that!


Take Time for You!

I wanted to write about self love and taking time for you! I know that seems kind of crazy during this time in the world, writing about loving yourself, but this is important now more than ever. We (as people, as parents, as employees, as family members) are tired and we are stressed. We are in the midst of a pandemic, we have civil rights issues we need to address as a country, we are wondering about school plans for the fall, job security, etc and we need to make it through this marathon. These issues are going to be present in our lives for a long time and we need to make it to the other side. For us to be able to do that, we need to learn to take time for ourselves. We need to learn to love ourselves and give ourselves what we need to keep fighting these battles on a daily basis.

I have had the opportunity to have a week off of work. I also have childcare (which is a blessing). So I sent my children to their amazing daycare lady’s house and I had a week to myself. A whole 5 days where I could do whatever I wanted for the day. I haven’t had that opportunity since I have had children (3.5 years ago). I chose not to feel guilty about taking this week for myself. I love my children and I have spent lots of time with them during quarantine. Looking back over this week, I am SO glad I made time for myself. I needed this refuel time. I was able to paint our garage (yes, that is a thing) and I learned how to fix small dry wall holes and about different finishes of paint. I was able to go for a run multiple days. I walked my dog countless times. I drank my coffee hot. I went to the store a couple of times without having to rush home (while wearing a mask and avoiding people). I re-finished a coffee table for our living room. I ordered some shelving for our garage. I cleaned the basement. I got our library cards. I got our cars registered in new state. I got the dog’s nails trimmed. I read a book. I did the laundry. I relaxed and drank beer with my lunch.

I love doing these types of projects and getting stuff done. Those things I listed above provided me with so much happiness. I felt so accomplished. I was able to relax some and I never felt bad about it. I needed some self love and to remind myself that I am that same person I was before children. That person who loves creative projects, learning new things and has energy to tackle a To Do List. I was able to just hang out with my family over the weekend and I even put off the grocery store trip, because it was stressing me out.

So after hearing all these things I did with my free time, how have you learned to love yourself? You might not be able to take a week away from your children and that’s ok. Also you may hate projects and this list of things I did, stresses you out. That is fine if that isn’t your jam. Find things that make you feel happy and enlightened. What are you able to do each day to show and remind yourself that you are amazing?! Taking some time for you goes a long way in keeping your attitude positive and encouraging you through this crazy time in the world.

This self love is important for you, but also sharing that love with your partner matters as well. I was chatting with my husband about how proud of him I was and that he does a great job. Then I reminded him that he needs to love himself. I will always be that cheerleader for him, but he needs to turn that love and support inwards and love himself too. How you view yourself impacts your outlook on your life. So plan some time (it can even be a 20 minute bath or face mask session) to dedicate to you and don’t feel bad about it. Embrace that need to take time for you and find those things that make you happy.

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Work Life Balance

So how are you holding in there? Life right now continues to be crazy and each day we are just trying to make it through. Get through the work day, try to accomplish little tasks, keep the children alive/entertained and then cooking and cleaning. This has been tough! I feel like we are just getting by and not really rocking any part of life. States are now steps to start re-open, which is great and necessary, but of course makes me nervous about everyone’s health and well-being. This quarantine time has come with economic implications - our family has kept both of our jobs, but my work will not be giving our merit based raises this year. I know that is just the top of the iceberg when it comes to seeing what will happen with jobs and income in the next year. We of course are thankful for our health and being together and having the ability to work from home. That is a blessing!

What have you been doing to stay sane during this time? For our family, we have had to do certain activities during the day and trying to stick with a schedule. We normally have breakfast around 730am and then I have rounds that start at 830am. Then from 9-945am we have our Bible study time, house chores and snacks. Then around 945am I start rounds again that go until lunch (around 1115am). The afternoons include some reading time before nap, then when the boys nap I try to do as much work as possible. In the afternoons we try to walk the dog, fit in a run or some type of play time (inside or outside). Some days go better than others and some days the schedule just falls apart.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because, this is hard! This time in life is hard for all of us. Stick with it and hang in there! You are doing a great job and you should be so proud of making it through today. I found this graphic online and I am so glad that WHO and the CDC are supporting parents during this time. I loved how this graphic talked about giving positive encouragement to your child. I have found myself many times just yelling “no!” or “stop” and I need to remember to say positive things and encourage my boys when they are making good choices.

Hang in there and know that you are not alone. We are all struggling at this whole work, life balance and I know things will continue to be different for all of us for the rest of 2020. Stay strong, find joy in the little things and if you need to hide in your bathroom for 5 minutes of peace and quiet … that is ok too, no judgement!


The Coronavirus Pandemic Struggles

I was laying in bed, thinking about this crazy world we are living in now. I was thinking about my goals. I was thinking about what I want to look back on over the next year and see what I accomplished. I know that sounds deep, but I think I was just grasping for a sense of feeling “normal” again.

This pandemic has affected each of us in so many ways. This is a struggle for everyone around the world as we adjust to what has now become our new “normal.” For my family, things look different because my husband is working from home full time and I am home 3 days a week working. Our children are staying home and no longer attending daycare. We have to find some sense of balance while holding down two full time jobs and then also caring for our children full time. I know that is a blessing to have jobs and I am so thankful for these particular challenges, but each day I go to bed exhausted and wishing I could have been more productive. This feeling … of not being able to do enough … is something that all of us need to let go of. We are in the midst of a pandemic! That means that we all have so much on our plates - trying to balance our job, e-learning for older children, entertaining little ones, cooking all our meals at home, keeping our houses clean and navigating other challenges. We aren’t going to be able to fulfill all of those responsibilities at 110%. We need to adjust our expectations and give ourselves some grace. A kind and wise friend, shared with me that we need to respect the fact that we are living through a traumatic experience. We are having a lot asked of us and that is stressful.

With that being said, I have been trying to think of ways that I can feel productive and also not get burned out. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Things aren’t going to be back to “normal” for a long time and we need to be able to stay sane as the weeks and months go by.

What does this look like for you? What are some things that you can do each day to help you feel happy, productive and proud of the tasks you accomplished?

Make a List

I know that seems cliché, but making a list of what you want to do that day, then check it off when you accomplish those tasks can be extremely rewarding. Now, don’t go crazy and make the list crazy long, but pick 3 things you want to do today. Write those goals down and then start to think through when you can accomplish those things. For example, each day I have been writing down the 3 work related items I NEED to get down and then 3 household things that NEED to happen. That way I feel like I am balancing work and home responsibilities.

Maintain a Schedule

I have small children so I constantly reminded of the importance of a routine! If you have children or not, you can always benefit from a schedule. Take a moment and write out how you want your day to look. Schedule the things into your day that you put on your list. Figure out how you are going accomplish those tasks and then remember to fit in some fun things as well. For my family, I am hanging up a chalk board in our kitchen where we can write down what we are doing that day. I want to pick a different activity each day that we can do together. This will give us all something to look forward to each day. For example, one evening our activity was disc golfing in the back yard. The boys loved it and it was wonderful to just take a break and enjoy the fresh air. I made myself be present in the moment and try to not worry about the dishes. Guess what? I have nowhere else to go. I have plenty of time to get that cleaning done.

Time to Have Fun

Taking time for fun is often overlooked in the midst of our crazy scheduled. Now that issue of a busy calendar has been eliminated, what is standing in the way of you having fun? It can be so easy to just give into being impatient, grouchy or just feeling exhausted and you overlook taking time for yourself. I know for so many working parents, that “me time” you get is when the children are sleeping. For example, I’m staying up later than I should, writing this blog post. I enjoy writing and I miss it. I knew that I needed to take a little time to do something that makes me happy. So here I am typing this blog post, late at night, but I am smiling and I regret nothing!

Find Your Gratitude

Figure out and focus on those things you are thankful for every day. There is so much stress we are under at the moment and you listen to the news and it makes it worse. Try to maintain that positive outlook through focusing on things each day you are grateful for … I am so glad we have jobs. Despite the challenges that come from balancing work and home life, we are earning our paychecks and that is amazing. I am also thankful for Easter candy and enjoying a few treats while stuffing Easter baskets.

Believe me, I am not claiming that I am pro at navigating a pandemic and the stress that brings with it, but I am 100% positive that life is tough right now for everyone. Hopefully you are reminded that you are doing a great job! We are all going through a traumatic and extremely challenging time and that is ok if we aren’t able to give all the things 110%.


Loving Yourself

I have seen a couple of posts recently by women who were mentioning how they didn’t like certain parts of their bodies and how they felt uncomfortable with themselves. It broke my heart. I am a firm believer in helping people to understand that they need to love themselves. All of themselves, including the imperfections. I know LOTS of men and women would appreciate being able to change things about themselves. None of us are perfect and even the images we see of people (who appear perfect), aren’t. Rachel Hollis had a great quote at one of her Rise Conferences, pointing to herself she said “there is a whole team behind this!” That is true … for us normal people, there is no team to do our hair, put on make up, pick out our clothes or do our nails. That is not real or normal. So don’t waste your time comparing yourself to those people.

If you happen to be a parent, how you view yourself is even more important. Your children are watching you. They are watching ever single thing you say, gesture your make and they are wanting to be just like you. If you are complaining about how you don’t like your thighs, refuse to wear a swimsuit because you feel fat, or are always on a diet to try to lose 5-10lbs, they will pick up on that. Another RDN that I follow on social media is always encouraging moms to demonstrate self-love and acceptance for their daughters. This is SO important. I had a mother who wasn’t perfect, but loved herself and that helped me to develop a positive self image of my own. Demonstrating to our children to how to love ourself matters. This RDN shared that her daughter went swim suit shopping with her and they were trying on suits in the Target changing room and her daughter smiled and told her “that swim suit made her look beautiful!” That little girl loves her mom so much that she wasn’t noticing extra skin, stretch marks or some cellulite. She saw our beautiful her mom was and she told her that. That made my heart smile! That is what we need more of, loving ourselves like our family loves us, despite the imperfections.


If you aren’t a parent, this still pertains to you. Loving yourself and every part of you has an impact on your outlook on life. People who are happier live longer. Our lives are short and so let’s make those moments we have happy. I am not saying that we abandon on self control and gorge ourselves on donuts, but we embrace that we aren’t perfect, do the best we can and love ourselves through those struggles and short comings.

So please, avoid any negative self talk about yourself. Don’t call yourself fat. Don’t look in the mirror and put yourself down. If that is a struggle for you, keep your mirror in a place where you aren’t always passing it. Avoid that negative self talk and instead focus on giving yourself a compliment. Practice this on your family and friends - compliment others on how they look today, thank someone for their help, be kind to others and then practice that same positivity on yourself.

We all face enough challenges and things that stress us out in the world. We don’t need to be our own worst enemy and put extra negative pressure on ourselves. So find a way to love yourself this week and give yourself some positive, self talk, because you are amazing and wonderful, just the way you are!

Giving Yourself Grace

I realized as I was looking at posts that it had been a few weeks since I had gotten a post up on my blog. I have to admit, since the beginning of the year it has been tough to stay on top of blog posts and to come up with content to share. It has been a priority that has taken a back seat as life as gotten busier and more complicated. I really enjoy having this platform to share thoughts and nutrition information with the public. This blog was created to provide a creative outlet for me and I have loved having this spot to share my thoughts.


With that being said, I have been giving myself grace when it comes to posting weekly. I have tried hard to make that happen, but it hasn’t happened consistently. I just wanted to use this opportunity to remind you to give yourself some grace. That is OK if I don’t get a post up weekly. I am doing lots of things and balancing all of that in a healthy way is important. I saw several Instagram posts recently about being OK with not having everything perfect. That spoke to me this last week. There are lots of things that I use to be able to do and stay on top of, but laundry, grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, mopping the floors and even dog walking just aren’t all getting done right away like they use to. I get laundry done and then it sits in a basket for a week, finally get it folded and it takes 2 days to put away and then it’s time to wash more clothes. The cycle never ends. I use to be able to hit up multiple grocery stores in one day and knock all the food purchasing in one day, nope … not any more. I go to Aldi and then some times find time to squeeze in another trip to Kroger (if I am lucky). Don’t get me started on my floors, I maybe get them mopped once a month.

Do you see how this list can go on and on? Do you see how it can be so easy to be hard on yourself and get depressed that things just don’t get done like they use to? This is why I think we need to make sure that we give each other some grace. My caring husband, if not at all mad that the laundry sits in the basket for a week, he is thankful for clean clothes. My children don’t care that the floor isn’t mopped, they get baths everyday. My bank account is thankful I don’t have time for shopping any more. I am working on trying to embrace this new life that is crazy, busy and chaotic. I am trying prioritize the things that are really important and then also take moments to just be present with my children. Deciding to leave the dishes until after they go to bed. Taking 10 minutes to play outside before dinner and enjoying that nightly routine of dinner, baths, reading and snuggles before they go to sleep.

There are lots of nutrition related things that I am working on and excited to share with you in the upcoming 4 months. You will have to stay tuned and I will make sure to write blog posts about these happenings as well.

Exciting Things Coming Up

  • Continuing to offer outpatient counseling sessions/workshops with Mini Minds, LLC in Carmel, IN. If you know of anyone in need of nutrition counseling services, let me know!

  • Preparing FNCE presentation that is due at the end of September and then presenting in Philadelphia at the end of October.

  • Putting together a rough draft for 2 chapters on Pediatric Nutrition for the IAND Nutrition Care Manual that is due at the end of September and first draft due in December.

  • Giving a presentation on Sharing Nutrition Topics on Social Media that will be to RDNs in Lafayette in November.

  • Putting together presentation on Baby Led Weaning for NICU RDNs in the Indianapolis area that will be presented in December.

  • Continuing to serve as the Strategic Partnership Coordinator for IAND and we are hosting a booth with activities for Girl Scouts on October.

  • Working at the Social Media Chair for CIAND and helping to share upcoming events via social media.

As you can see there is always plenty of things going on and lots of things to continue to juggle as we approach the fall and holiday season. I am excited for the months that are ahead and excited to be able to share some amazing projects that I am working on. So stay tuned and i will continue to work hard to put together some blog posts to share these exciting happenings with you all!

Finding The Calm

This post is not directly connected with nutrition, but I felt like I needed to write up something on this topic of anxiety. I think this topic of mental health is not talked about enough and I feel like taking the time to make sure that you are well cared for is important.

I am not sure if you have ever struggled with anxiety. The crazy thing about emotions is that they feel so different for each one of us. The same is true with anxiety. We can all feel anxious or worry about things in different ways. Those concerns can manifest in different ways. Even for the same person, those anxious tendencies can show up in different ways depending on the stressor. I think the key is becoming familiar with yourself and understanding how your body handles stress.

For me, when I feel anxious my entire body reacts to that stress. I get butterflies and my stomach starts to feel nervous. I become nauseated and then from there my body tenses up and my body starts to ache. I normally lose my appetite and can’t eat anything. I have a dry mouth and can’t really consume much besides water. If these feelings persist for an extended period of time then I normally end up getting sick. Thankfully these episodes don’t happen super frequently, but when they do they totally wipe me out for at least a day. The crazy thing is some times I have no idea what the trigger is. For example, I could wake up at that 4am with a queasy stomach and have no idea my I am feel nervous. My body is just obviously stressed and starting to get worked up.


Over the years, I have learned how my own personal anxiety cycle works and that has been helpful in managing it. I can probably count on two hands over the last 20 years the number of times these episodes have happened, but they are never fun and definitely frustrating. Maybe you have similar tendencies when it comes to being anxious or maybe your feelings manifest in a totally different way. The key to managing this stress response is to be embrace it and not to be scare of it.

Managing Those Anxious Feelings

  • Deep, calming breathing. This has been the most helpful at night when I find myself worked up about something. Long, deep breathes in and out (just like in yoga) are helpful to help remind your body to calm down and snap out of that “fight or flight” response.

  • Don’t fear the symptoms. I hate throwing up and that is one of the symptoms with my anxiety that I experience if I get really worked up. I keep having to work to not fear that symptom and just embrace it and then move on.

  • Focus on other things. Often taking that focus away from myself and looking to care for others helps. Those anxious feelings are centered on you and your responses and so when you pull yourself away from that focus and turn that outwards it can help break that anxiety cycle.

  • Pray. This has been very helpful for me. I am religious and believe in God and praying for help, support and calming has been very helpful to be over the years. Believing in someone bigger than myself, looking after me, is very reassuring.

  • Understand and love yourself. Even if you dislike and are frustrated by how you handle your anxiety, you have to learn to love yourself. Even those parts of yourself that you wish were different. Embracing and loving yourself is key to helping to overcome your worries and concerns.

  • Have your support system. Have those people around you who can love you, hug you and remind you that it is ok. You are not alone and these worries shall pass. Those people who you can be honest with and tell them that you are struggling and they can help support you when you need that love.

In the end, no matter what you are amazing and if you struggle with anxiety that is fine. Embrace that part of you, learn how those feelings manifest in your life and work to better control your responses to stress. So much of life you can’t control and the only person we have control over, is ourselves. We all have good days and bad days. In the end, the goal is that those good days far extend the number of bad days.

I wanted to share this to let you know that none of us are perfect. We all have our struggles and you aren’t alone. Whether you work to control your anxiety on your own, if you see a therapist, if you take medication, all these tools can help you be the best version of yourself. If you ever need to reach out and a person to talk to … let me know.

Self Goals

What goals do you have for yourself? When was the last time that you took a moment and ask yourself that question? These goals can be personal goals, career goals, fitness goals, etc. I am a firm believer in always learning and moving towards a goal. We are on this earth for a short amount of time and I really believe strongly in leaving things better than before we found them. So that is what prompts me to ask you … what goals do you have for yourself.

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For the last two years I have done a Year End Review here on my blog and you can see the 2018 Year End Review and then the 2017 Summary. I tried to put together a year end review looking at what I had done over the last 12 months. I think that is great and the start to another year is the perfect time to think ahead and reflect on the year past. But here at the end of May, start of June and the beginning of the summer … why not take a moment and look at yourself and see what goals you want to accomplish and what things have you maybe already done! I have decided to go through and make some sections and then list out things that I have been working on and things that I have accomplished already in 2019. Take the time to think through what categories you have and what goals you want to accomplish for yourself.

Personal Goals

  • Read a book. I know this sounds super simple, but I have such limited free time that I haven’t read many books for fun. I did take the time during my maternity to read the Rachel Hollis book, Girl Wash Your Face and it was fantastic. I really enjoy reading and loved take the time to read that book.

  • I would like to read another book for fun in 2019 … if you have any good suggestions, send them my way.

Career Goals

  • Present at FNCE in Philadelphia. This is happening and I have to admit this was such a crazy journey to make this presentation pitch and I am still over the moon that our proposal was chosen and I can’t wait to speak at FNCE!

  • Complete the Certified Lactation Counselor course. This training is happening in November and I am planning on attending that conference and taking that lactation exam so I can work more with mothers who are breast feeding and/or pumping.

  • Grow Mini Minds Nutrition Counseling. i have been working hard to try to grow some clients for Mini Minds and provide more outpatient nutrition counseling. I have worked with three families now and taught two classes. I would love to continue to do more so if you know anyone who would benefit from nutrition counseling, send them my way!

Fitness Goals

  • Run in at least one race in 2019. My sister is planning to come into town in August and we are going to run a race together! It is a 10K and so not super long, but that is fine, because training takes time and I seem to have limited hours in the day. I would love to commit to a half marathon, but I am not sure that realistic for 2019. I will see how getting back into running is going and maybe by spring of 2020 I will be ready to race 13.1 miles again.

  • See a Women’s Health PT. I need to schedule to see a women’s health PT and work on abs after having Samuel and then my pelvic floor strength again. I did this after William and it was worth all the time and money.

This isn’t a crazy long list of goals, but just somethings I have been thinking about and taking them time to write out these goals helps to increase your odds of accomplishing them. So take a moment and think about what you would like to accomplish for yourself, write down those goals and then set out to accomplish them!

Spring Into A Healthier Version of You

I am excited for spring! It is officially spring now and that means that warmer weather is just around the corner. I wanted to take a moment about take this time to do some spring cleaning when it comes to your diet and taking care of yourself. I have to admit part of this is selfishly motivated, because after having a baby, being home on maternity leave and breast feeding I have been eating ALL the sweets and I need work to clean up my own diet and refocus.

It is about 3-4 months after the New Year and how are those resolutions going? This is often the time when those promises we made ourselves are thrown by the wayside and we have fallen back into old habits. What bad habits have you not shaken yet? What things do you want to focus on this spring?

Spring into a healthier version of you! (1).jpg

Tips to Clean Up Your Diet

  • Load up on veggies! Spring means time to plant a garden and hit up the Farmer’s Market. There will be a variety of cooler weather produce that is going to start to be available. Start working more vegetables into your diet to help give you more vitamins and minerals. This will help your body function better and help you feel better. Aim to work vegetables into lunch and dinner and if you are able even breakfast (this could be spinach in with your eggs, kale in your smoothie, tomatoes on your breakfast sandwich).

  • Plan out your meals. Taking time to write out a plan for meals for the week will help you to be healthier and stick with those healthier choices. Planning out your meals will save you money overall as well. It is also hard to binge eat on unhealthy food items, when you don’t purchase them. That is another benefit to planning your meals ahead of time and only purchasing what you have on your list. You will be forced to eat whatever you have in your pantry and hopefully those are healthier options.

  • Try some new recipes. We can all get stuck in our routine when it comes to cooking at home. The same food items over and over again. Take the time to find some new recipes and mix things up. You can take this opportunity to try new foods, prepare foods in a new way and get you excited to cook again. Of course, find a new recipe that is healthy and is something that adds variety to your diet as well.

  • Hold yourself accountable. When you share with someone your goals, you are more likely to actually stick with/accomplish that goal. If a friend or even people on social media to help keep you on track and help call you out if you are struggling and need some tough love. Having that support system is critical when it comes to cleaning up your dietary habits.

  • Take time for some self-care/love. This idea of self-care/self-love applies to your food you eat as well. Taking the time to put healthy foods into your mouth will make you feel better about yourself in the long run. Yes, there is instant gratification from that chocolate bar, but then you end up with more negative feelings and even a lack of confidence. The goal in the end is to love yourself more and give yourself some grace if things don’t go quite as planned in terms of your eating habits of exercise routine.

  • Load up on the water. It is always humorous to me when I read about “detox” diets, because your body doesn’t actually need any help detoxing, you have a liver that does that for you. But I think focusing on staying hydrated and consuming enough water will help your body to function to the best of its ability. Your body is 60% water and that means your cells and muscles will be able to function better when you are hydrated appropriately. So if you are concerned about “detoxing” your body … just take the time to drink plenty of water.

So if you, like me have been struggling with your healthy eating and exercise habits, then use this spring to jump back into some healthy routines. Take the time to look at what you are struggling with and write down 1-2 ways that you can feel better about yourself and prioritize your health/wellness.

Jump In and Go For It!

I feel like this is becoming a common theme in my life. I have been blessed with amazing opportunities growing up through 4-H, opportunities to visit other countries on mission trips, the chance to learn an instrument, attend an amazing college, serve on various boards/committees throughout college, land an amazing first job, move into a specialty area and get another amazing job, etc. All of these opportunities have been blessings. I strongly believe that, but I also believe that I have “jumped in and taken a chance” when opportunities presented themselves. I very easily could have just avoided the opportunity and not applied for a board position or a chance to do something that pushed my comfort zone.

When it comes to advice, I am a strong believer in “jumping in and going for it.” Whatever that opportunity is! If you see a chance to take a leap, push yourself, advance your career, learn a new skill … then take that leap! This made me think of the Purdue 150th Anniversary Celebration. As you know, I am a proud Purdue Alum, but I love the theme for this year and this celebration - “Take Giant Leaps.” I think this fits perfectly into my mantra for life … “Go for it!” In order to continue to learn and became better and whatever you decide to do, you have push yourself and take risks at times.

The whole reason I decided to make a blog post on this topic was, because I had an opportunity that presented itself this last week. I was sent an email encouraging me to pursue an application for a national board position within the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. Is it a long shot that my application would even get chosen and then if I would even get elected to that position …. yes! It is a huge long shot. Did that stop me from throwing my hat in the ring? No! I was asked by a colleague what made me want to apply? I said, “because I can.” I didn’t need another reason. I had an opportunity come my way. I had a chance to take a leap and try something I have never done before. I decided to try to make that dream a reality and I am going for it. Who knows what will happen. Probably nothing. I gave it a go, but I am not afraid of failing and not being chosen. It is fine. I am busy with lots of things and if this opportunity doesn’t work out this time, that is fine. I can always apply again in the future and see where that door leads.

Basically I wanted to share these thoughts with you to encourage you to push yourself, take those giant leaps and don’t be afraid to say “yes” to an opportunity that comes your way. Putting yourself out there is the best way to move forward and to learn! So jump in and go for it!


Saving Money and Sticking To A Budget

So this post is late. Normally I post on Mondays and I get that up in the morning or at least by the end of day. Well Monday came and went and I wasn't feel super inspired to write a post. There wasn't anything rolling around in my brain that I thought was super exciting to share with you. 

Well inspiration finally struck today. I figured I wanted to share some honest struggles with you about sticking with a budget and saving money. That is the most exciting things that I have been trying to work on recently. 

Our family has both myself and husband working full time. We make an "ok" salary between the two of us (especially compared to people in other countries we are very blessed). We also have our far share of loans. Between my husband's car and then his school loans we also have a decent chunk of our income going to pay for those things. When it comes to money we have save for retirement, but we needed to do a better job at saving our the rest of our income. The retirement is easy, because it gets deducted from your paycheck and you never see that money, but the money that you actually bring home is tougher to save. I try really hard to cook meals at home, but we do eat out occasionally. But I never thought we spent tons of money, but after some serious self-reflection we are working hard to try to change some habits and actually save more money. 


I have to admit, working at saving money is probably one of the most changing things I have done. I have done lots of hard things, but this has to be the slowest, and the hardest to stick with. We have really ambitious goals for our much money we want to save and to get there we needed to make some adjustments. We have cut out all extra spending. So we will still purchase things if they are needed, but nothing else extra. For example, on Amazon Prime Day we ended purchasing a bowel for William to learn how to use, dog treats for Einstein and a bike rake for Chas' bike so he can bike to work. Nothing extra, nothing that wasn't something we would already plan to purchase. 

Things I have learned ... 

  • It is hard. When you try so hard to save and then you don't see that much more money in your account it is depressing. 
  • You realize all the little things add up. That cup of coffee, plus that bottle wine or that time you went out to eat can easily add up to $50 without you noticing. 
  • You have more free time. When you spend less money, you spend less time at stores and you have more free time. That is always a win. 
  • Trying to find things to do that we can do for "free." We have memberships to a couple of museums and we can totally go enjoy those activities because they are already paid for. That is a great way to do something fun, but not spending more money. 
  • Hang out with other people who are saving money. That always helps. There is nothing worse than hearing about someone's trip somewhere and you realizing you can't take a trip right now because you are trying to save money. So find some like minded friends and spend time with them! 
  • Find ways to make enjoying at home fun. I have been trying to find cheap, healthy ways to prepare food at home and not miss eating out as much. For example, we made homemade Udon soup last weekend and it was amazing and way cheaper than eating out. 

Hopefully this post helps encourage you that if you are interested in working to set a goal, saving money or something else .... that you stick with that goal and moving toward that end goal. It is small steps that hopefully add up over time to big changes. But until then ... we will be hanging out at home, eating popcorn on our couch and watching Netflix and trying not to spend extra money. 

Summer Time Weight Loss Strategies

I was asked to be on WTHR and talk about Summer Time Weight Loss Strategies. I know I had already posted on some of my experiences about this topic the other week. I thought since I took the time to put together some information for that TV segment I would share those tips and tricks with you all. 

Summer time is a great opportunity to work on losing some extra weight. The days are long, the weather is warmer and people often have some time off of work. If weight loss has been one of your goals during this year and you haven't hit those goals then take a moment and read through some of these strategies that I am going to share with you. 

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Weight Loss Strategies

  • Get outside. One of the best things about summer is the longer days and the warmer weather. You can often find lots of different types of activities that get you moving outside. Any type of activity that you can do outside can count towards burning calories. Everything from mowing the lawn, washing the car, playing with your kids at the park and even walking your dog. Most of us sit at our jobs and we don’t get in that goal of 10,000 steps per day. If you are able to walk to the library or the grocery store near you, take advantage of that opportunity to get in more steps. If you want to do something more demanding take your family with you on a bike ride or on a run. There are also lots of summer activities like swimming and hiking that you can do outdoors and that is physically challenging.
  • Drink wisely. During the summer, we enjoy nice cold beverages. It is important to be aware of what is in your favorite cool drink. If you drink alcohol there are calories in that beer (154 calories/can) or wine (125 calories/5oz) and if you prefer a mixed, sugary drink there are quite a few calories hidden in there as well (455 calories/8oz for a margarita). Work to minimize the number of calories you are getting from your drinks. Make sure that you are getting enough water. Your body is made up of 60% of water and staying hydrated during the summer time is extremely important. Carry a water bottle with you or have a container of water with you at your desk throughout the day.

  • Pick fresh foods. The summer time is when most fruits/vegetables are in season. That means that you can purchase fresh produce at a much cheaper price compared with in the winter time. Stock up on these nutritiously dense fruits and vegetables throughout the summer. These produce items are also low in calories and high in vitamins/minerals which helps keep your body functioning well. You can get these fresh items from your local grocery store or Farmer’s Market. You can even grow them in your backyard. That is a great way to incorporate exercise, saving money and learning where your food comes from! If you purchase or grow extra of these produce items you can freeze or can them for the winter.

  • Get plenty of rest. With the longer days during the summer time we often want to do more things and end up getting less sleep. Sleeping is the one time your body gets to relax, rebuild and recharge for the next day. Don’t short yourself the amount of time you sleep. Try to get to bed at a decent time and aim for 6-8 hours of sleep per night. When it comes to weight loss, getting adequate rest will help your body lose weight.

  • Avoid late night snacks. If you are getting adequate sleep and going to bed earlier you are often able to avoid late night snacking. This is such a stumbling block for people and often people end up eating empty calories. If you want to decrease your calorie intake to lose weight, you have to stop eating by 8pm at night. That cut off will help empower you to avoid eating unhealthy things late at night. Often people have cravings for unhealthy food items and over eat during this late night time. If you work hard to go to bed earlier, that will often help to eliminate this temptation.

Losing weight this summer is something that you can totally do! There are so many ways that you can make a healthy lifestyle change. Aim for making small changes and stick with those changes to help ensure that you are successful. 

Always Say "Yes!"

Over the last 7 years of being a dietitian and then really for as long as I can remember, I have worked to be say "yes" to all the opportunities that come my way. I have my parents to thank for this life lesson. They were always encouraging me to try new things and take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. 


Not long ago, I was talking with a dietetic intern about interviewing for a job. We were discussing potential interview questions and then also about different types of jobs. I was passing along some words of wisdom and the take away from the conversation was "say yes to every opportunity that comes your way." As I reflect on that statement, I think that is SO true. 

Over the years I have had some amazing opportunities. I have been a clinical dietitian for the last 7 years, meaning that I work in a hospital, but I have worked hard to do other community-based nutrition projects as well. I have felt that need to serve as a nutrition expert for my community as well as the babies that I see on a daily basis. In both of my jobs, I have worked with the media and done TV/Radio/Newspaper interviews about various nutrition topics. Obviously, since you are reading this on my blog, you have probably clicked over to my Media Portfolio page and see those videos. I have really enjoyed doing media work and incorporating that into my clinical dietetics job. Every nutrition media spot opportunity that comes my way ... I always say yes. I have had to turn down 1 interview in the last 7 years, because I was not in the office and there was no way I could get there. I was out of town, but otherwise I work so hard to be available and take advantage of those opportunities. 

I have had some other neat opportunities come my way including being involved in writing test questions for a national board exam. The Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics has specialty exams for RDs to take and there is a new one that will be available in September of 2018 for PICU and NICU RDs. I applied and was chosen to be on the committee that wrote those test questions. It was such a neat process and honestly such a fun learning experience. I totally applied on a whim and I am so glad that I took that chance and said "yes" to that opportunity. 

I wanted to share these comments with you to help encourage you to work on "always saying yes!" There are so many things in life that can make us nervous, apprehensive or hesitant. Often times the one thing in life that is really holding us back is ourselves. If you have a neat opportunity come your way and you are torn on whether or not to take it ... think about it, but I encourage you to say "yes!" You can figure out how to make it work in your life and I have never said "yes" to an opportunity and then regretted it. It has always been a positive experience and one that helped me become a better person and help others. 

30 Things I Have Learned Over 30 years

So it is official I turned 30 years old on Friday. That is crazy! I remember turning 21 years old and thinking, "wow, 30 is so long from now!" I also had crazy ideas about what I would be doing when I was 30 years old. I have to say that I am happy with how things have turned out, but it is crazy to hit that big milestone. I thought it would be fun to compile a list of things that I have learned over the last 30 years. With age comes wisdom, right?! So here are some of my thoughts about turning 30! 


30 Things I Have Learned Over 30 Years

  1. My faith. This is important. I feel like this walk with the Lord has gone through ups/downs, but His continual love for me has continued to teach me how to work to love those around me. 
  2. Have a person. My husband, Chas, has been my rock over the last 11 years. It is amazing how much having that support person in your life helps get through the ups and downs of life. Whether it is a spouse, significant other or just a best friend .... find that person and never let them go.
  3. Age is just a number. I don't feel any older than when I was in my early 20s. I totally agree that age is just a number and I don't feel any older today, than yesterday.
  4. My confidence has grown. I feel like now I am finally confident in myself. It has taken awhile, but I know who I am, what I want out of life and that is a nice feeling.
  5. Care less about what other people think. I have worked hard to not worry about what people think of me. It can be hard, but I think that is a good goal to have - gain more confidence and worry less about other people's opinion of you. 
  6. I can do really hard things. I had a baby (without medication), I have run a marathon, I have supported my husband through graduate school and I have worked hard to excel at my job. 
  7. Stress relief matters. I use to think that I had a crazy life that was stressful. Little did I know that life just keeps getting more complicated and stressful. Finding ways to minimize that stress is so important. 
  8. Be thankful for the laundry and dishes. I have tried to be happy about the work around the house, because it means I have wonderful people there, living and messing things up. That is worth all the laundry! 
  9. I am still me. As the years tick by, I am still me. I am the same person, with hopes and dreams, those dreams have changed and matured, but I am still me. 
  10. I love dogs. I always knew I enjoyed having a dog around, but since Einstein has come into our lives ... I really love dogs. He is such a joy and I couldn't imagine life without him. 
  11. Love/hate relationship with cooking. I use to say I loved cooking, but as the years have gone by, it sometimes feels like a chore. I still work hard to prepare meals at home, but it is honestly not always my favorite thing to do. 
  12. I enjoy reading. I don't always find time to read books myself, but I am always making time to read to William and that is such a fun thing to do. 
  13. I love critical care nutrition. This is something that I never thought I would say, but the longer I spend in the NICU the more I like that challenge of critical care nutrition. 
  14. Thankful for friends. It is hard as you get older to maintain friendships, because those people are spread across the country or even if they are in the same state it is hard to make time to get together. I am thankful for those friends who work to stay in touch. That is something I want to continue to work on. 
  15. Enjoy the quiet moments. Our house isn't always quiet and so enjoying those still, quiet moments is so nice. 
  16. Take time to play. I have worked hard to try to be present with William and put down my phone, not worry about the dishes and just play with him in the evenings when we are home together. 
  17. Listen. I some times get caught up in the craziness with life and I don't slow down and listen. I have been trying to work hard at this and focus when Chas is talking to me and really hear what he is saying. 
  18. Say "Yes" to Experiences. I have always worked to always say "yes" to valuable experiences that come my way. I have been able to do lots of really neat things because I have been willing to say "yes." 
  19. Prioritize the battles. I have had a stressful year at my job. I have some difference of opinions with those around me and I have been working hard to prioritize what things are really important. It is easy to complain about everything, but focusing on the things you can actually change/influence has helped to keep me sane. 
  20. Time period dramas. I really love a good BBC show and that is one thing that I will do when I am cleaning the kitchen/packing lunches ... watch a good TV show. 
  21. Do everything during nap time. It is amazing how much you can accomplish when you use your time wisely during nap time. I am just saying it is some times surprising. 
  22. Find new hobbies. This has been a struggle since becoming a mom. It has been hard to discover new things I want to do as hobbies. I think being exhausted has a way of taking over any “hobby” or fun thing you want to do. I am really trying to work on getting some new hobbies. 
  23. Never stop learning. This is a life lesson I have learned over and over again. You will never learn everything, but still work towards expanding your knowledge and be open to new ideas.
  24. Savor the moments. My Mom once told me that the hours might feel long, but the days go by quickly. That is true, just about life. I have been trying to savor and remember all of the moments and appreciate them.
  25. Always have coffee. You can never have too much coffee and it totally helps get ALL the things done. 
  26. Make a list. I am totally a list person. I make grocery list, lists at work for what I am doing that day and even what I want to accomplish on my days off. Having a plan helps in so many of life’s situations. Some times all the times get done on the list and sometimes they don’t, but that is ok. 
  27. I can’t control everything. I would love to say that over the last 30 years I have aquired that skill “to control things,” but that would not be true. Being able to know when to relinquish control is important. I am working on that skill and some days I do better than others.
  28. Must do ALL the dishes. I know this sounds silly, but I am totally like Monica from Friends ... I hate having a messy kitchen with dishes left in the sink. I really like to have things cleaned and organized for me to be able to relax. I am working on trying to let do of some of this OCD-ness, but I have embraced that part of me.
  29. Take time for others. I am not always the best at this, but I try to make time for friends and family ... even if it takes time away from my plans. People matter more than anything else and those relationships are so important.
  30. Have fun. My husband, Chas, had helped me really learn to let go and just have fun. He makes me laugh and has totally helped me to loosen up over the years. 

Well there ya go ... 30 things that I have learned over the last 30 years. It has been a crazy ride and I am so excited to see what this new decade has in store for me and my family. I have so much to be thankful for and I am so excited for all of the adventures that we will have. Thank you for being part of RD Anna and reading my blogs! I have really enjoyed being able to share my life with you all! 

Can You Really Have It All?

So disclaimer, this post isn't one about nutrition advice or exercise recommendations. This one is for women out there who have felt that tug between their work/career and their family. For me this is about being a mother, wanting to have kids and continuing in my career. I know I have heard that you can't have it all and I believe that in life we make compromises. We give up things in order to do other things. I wanted to take the time and write up my struggle and feelings. I feel like as women, it is different for us compared to men. We are different beings and that should be celebrated. Lots of times though I feel a sense of guilt about struggling with this choice between a family and work. 


I, like lots of my peers, finished my 4 year college degree and got a job. I have been a Registered Dietitian for 7 years and I now moved through being a novice in my field into more of an expert. I don't know everything, but after passing that 5 year milestone, I feel like I know some things, but of course have way more I want to learn. I would say that I have a career. I have a specialty area where I work that I love. I am good at it and I enjoy the challenges. I have learned some new things about myself as well - my desire to write and possibly run my own business in the future. I enjoy educating people about my specialty area. I have learned those things about myself over the last 7 years and I have worked hard to be good at what I do. 

I am also a mother and have a child. A 15 month old little one, who I love and enjoy spending time with. Now I have this desire to spend time with him and I have thought about do I want to keep working? Being a mother starts bringing all these questions into your mind that never had been there before. I start wondering if that is something I would want to do? If I didn't have a child, I never would be asking these questions. But now, I feel like I am being asked to choose; between being a Mom or continuing with my career. What I find frustrating is this idea that I HAVE to choose. That some how my desire to continue with my career shows a lack of desire to be the best mother I can be. I know not everyone thinks that, but that is the mindset that society puts on us. 

I believe that as a woman, you have to choose what is best for your family. What do you want from life? What do you want to do? That is what Chas kept asking me the other night. Not what would I would be willing to do for my family. Not what I think I could see myself doing if I had to. The simple question ... where do I see myself in 5 years? Right now, what do I see myself doing? 

As I look into my crystal ball, I see myself working and continuing in my specialty area of dietetics. I would love to have another child, but I understand that additional strain that would put on me as a working mother. I can't help, but want to have it all. I have worked too hard for my career to just step away from that, but at the same time I want to be the best mother I can to my son and hopefully future children. 

I don't have an easy answer to that questions ... where do you see yourself in 5 years? I have hopes and dreams. As a woman, I just want to celebrate other woman out there in that pursuit of "having it all." We give up time with our children to pursue our career and we hope that teaches our children how to be successful later in life. We are mothers, but we are also more than just that vocation. We are still the women that went to college to pursue our dreams and in the end, when our children move out, we will still be those women with our aspirations. Is you choose to stay home with your babies or go to work and snuggle your little ones at night ... doing what is best for you and your family is always the right choice!  


Work, Life Balance

I had someone mention to me the other day ... "I don't know how you do it all?" I am sure from the outside it can easily look like I have it all together. Social media has a way of only showing the highlights of life. None of us just post our boring weekday evenings, washing the dishes or folding laundry. It is easy to compare ourselves to one another. We look at other working Moms and wonder how they find time to take their kids on a walk and then also cook dinner that evening. Often I feel like working mothers feel this constant pull in so many different directions. I know that I will see stay at home moms on social media and I am often jealous that they don't have to fit a traditional work schedule into their routines. 


This comparison is not healthy. Social media is just a quick snap shot into people's lives and never shows the whole picture. I thought it would be a good idea to just touch on work, life balance and maybe share some recommendations to help you. I do not claim to have everything in order and all of this figured out. I am just a working mom who is going through life, doing her thing and then using this blog platform to tell you about my experiences. 

Time Management 

I think any mother would tell you that time management is part of motherhood. As soon as you become responsible for another little human, you have to start managing your own time. To help with my own work, life balance I have accepted the fact that I do the same things over and over again. Each day I get up at 6am. I get ready before William wakes up. Then I load the car with the bags that I packed the night before. I go to work. Then after work I have about 30-45 minutes that I can fit in some physical activity before picking up William. Then the night time routine starts when we get home: make dinner, clean up after dinner, bath for William, put William down, pack lunches, and get myself ready for bed by 10-11pm. Then this cycle repeats each day. Managing my time each day is the only way that "everything" gets done. Taking the time to figure out what your schedule looks like and then account for each hour of each day will help you prioritize what needs to get done. If I have any tasks left undone and it is already 11pm then I just call it a day and head to bed. I need that 7-8 hours of sleep a night and that is a priority for me! 

Support System 

To maintain whatever schedule you create for yourself and your family, you need help! You need the support of your friends and family. There will be days that things don't go right and the schedule get totally messed up. There will be times you will be asked to help with something that you didn't anticipate. Being able to call on those friends and family members at those times will keep you sane. For example, there was a week day when I decided we needed to go see a family member. I had to make a few extra stops after work and I called up our amazing nanny. She helped me by assisting William with making a card. I didn't have the time to do that with him, but with her help and support we were able to get that done. Having those support people in your life to help you is so important. Even if it is someone you can complain to at the end of the day. Just having a shoulder to cry on is important. 

"Relax Days" 

Having a schedule and sticking to that routine throughout the week is great, but we all need some down time. When we can relax and just wear our pajamas all day and don't care. That is the weekend for me. I try to not set an alarm on Saturdays so that I can just sleep until William gets up. That is so liberating. After the hustle and bustle during the week, that quiet, care free start to the weekend is a must. It provides some time to help re-charge those batteries and gear up for the upcoming week. This past weekend, I came down with a cold. I let myself take a nap on Saturday and Sunday! When William slept I took a 2 hour nap with him. It was the best thing ever. I knew that I need to slow down and take that time for myself. Those "relax days" are an important part to the whole work, life balance dance. Without them, you can easily get burnt out and then be left feeling so overwhelmed. 

It Takes A Village

Do you ever have one of those weeks where you look at your schedule and you aren't quite sure how everything gets done? Or maybe you look at your schedule and you realize that some things definitely didn't get done? That is how my life feels all the time since becoming a mother. I felt like prior to William's arrival (about 10 1/2 months ago) I was fairly on top of things. I could get to meetings/appointments early, I was able to get all my grocery shopping done on one day, I could run errands to like 5 different stores, I was able to exercise every day, the list could keep going. Since becoming a mother, my life has really changed. Being responsible for another human, like completely responsible, takes a lot of time and brain power. As a working, full time Mom, I know that I wouldn't be able to do what I do on a daily basis without my village. I always heard that "it takes a village to raise a child," but I never really understood what that means until I had my own child. I am so thankful for all those people in my life who have helped me to do my job, and help us with William.

Say Thank You! When I think about all of the people that help and support us with our jobs and family I think saying "thank you" more often is important. Taking a moment to pause and thank those people on a regular basis helps to keep those relationships strong. 

It's Not All About Me. With the craziness of life I feel like I am always count up in what is happening to me and my little family. I sometimes don't the best job about stopping and thinking about other people. To stop and ask them how they are doing. Then remembering to not bring up my own stuff, but to focus on them and really listen to how their day is going. Slowly down, asking and listening are important steps that I need to keep practicing. 

Helping Others. I feel that I end up getting help with my people around me and I like to remember to try to help others when I can. At this stage of life I know that I am limited in what I can do, but when I see a chance to help others, that is something that I always need to do. I have tried to make sure that I take the time to help co-workers who have feeding related questions, support charities through financial contributions or giving of my limited time. We packed shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child and that is a fun yearly tradition. 

So for all of you who are reading this ... you have been helpful and supportive to myself and my family. Thank you for taking the time to read and follow my blog. I have loved being able to provide nutrition/wellness advice via RDAnna. Thank you for all your support with William as well. He is such a great kid and I am so lucky to be his mama.